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Welcome!  Here is where you can find when and where I am teaching and cooking, or maybe sometimes, what is on my mind. Hope you have a nice stay!

Lessons from the kitchen repairs.

Lessons from the kitchen repairs.


We are in the process of “fixing" our kitchen. This morning, I woke up feeling like this kitchen has become a metaphor for life. The deeper we dig, the more we find.


This started as a big process, but has turned into so much more.  We knew going in that there where some repairs we would tackle. We had no idea how many repairs… no idea.

As we have pealed back the layers it has given clarity to unanswered questions. Oh,  that’s why there was that smell. There was the reason the floors were so un-level. That's why the outlets sparked sometimes…..the list goes on.The good news in all the mess is that we are repairing. Fixing the dangers that were knowingly and unknowingly surrounding us.

There is something in yoga called Chitta Viksepa ( distractions and obstacles). These are distractions and obstacles which hinder one’s ability to practice Yoga. In this case, Yoga is the practice of finding balance in one’s life. A yoking of every aspect of being. Not to be confused with yoga asana (physical practice.) 

In life, digging deep can be painful, scary, and sometimes costly. Sometimes, we know we need to dig, we are aware there are obstacles we will meet, so, we avoid digging and stay in a situation or a life that is less than ideal. Sometimes when we dig, we find obstacles and distractions we didn’t even know existed. Then, we often think it would have been easer to not dig, not make any changes at all. 



I will not say that things always turn out the way we expect or even want when we start to dig deep into our lives. I will say, it is most always worth the effort. 

We knew when we started this kitchen project that we would meet some obstacles, we have met many more than we planned. To date, it has been stressful, costly and A LOT of work ( mostly for my sweet Dad and Uncle ). I know, even with all of this, in the end it will be wonderful.

My hope is that you, (and I, I will not exclude myself from this generalization), are able to see past our Chitta Viksepa. That we are willing to do the work in spite of the undeniable distractions and obstacles that prevent us from finding our most balanced and joy filled life.


May all your “remodels” go well!

Yoga IN Peace OUT my friends.


Kitchen repairs, the finale.

Kitchen repairs, the finale.

A simple 15 minute yoga class

A simple 15 minute yoga class